Company profile

The company ZANINONI SLOVAKIA, Ltd. was established in 1997 on the basis of the Memorandum of Association between experienced Italian forwarding company Zaninoni International Forwarding Agent S.p.a. located in Bagnatica, Italy and prosperous and in the metallurgical market worldwide operating manufacturer of seamless steel tubes company Železiarne Podbrezová a. s. based in Podbrezova, Slovakia. In December 2002 the General Assembly of ZANINONI SLOVAKIA s.r.o. accepted change of the Memorandum of Association of the part of the “shareholders” which has been substituted by a new name Zaninoni Holding s.r.l. located in Bagnatica, Italy.

The trade name:ZANINONI SLOVAKIA, Ltd.
Address:Mierová ul. 39335, 976 46 Valaská, Slovak Republic
Company ID:36 016 713
VAT number:SK2020083549
Legal form:Limited liability company
Date of entry:02. 01. 1997
The company is registeredin the Companies Registerof the District CourtBanskáBystrica, Section Sro,File No.4059/S
Type of business
  • Wholesale - Purchaseof goods forsale to other business within free the scope of trade
  • brokering services
  • forwarding

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